live abundantly

The Secret To Living An Abundant Life

Change your thinking …change your life

live abundantlyThe way we think greatly impacts the results we have in our life, in every area. It dictates everything, so you have to be very careful what you’re thinking of and wish for. Most people want an abundant life but don’t think they can have it.

But what does abundance even mean to you? Living abundantly is going to mean different things to different people. It’s not just about having more possessions.

There is limitless abundance

To live an abundant life begins with you. It’s acknowledging that you do deserve abundance and are worthy and deserving of receiving good into your life. It also takes for you to understand that there is an abundance in this world and that you’re not focusing on lack.

You need to see things as they really are, and believe in the greatness, generosity and abundance that’s constantly flowing from life.  And to remember that it’s consistently coming from a place of love.

The right mindset is key

Like everything it begins with having the right mindset. So in order to be living an abundant life it’s necessary to approach your life with an abundance mindset. You have to truly believe that there is more than enough of everything for everyone including you.

Most of us have limiting and outdated belief systems that may tell us we’re not good enough or that we’re not deserving. This is not true! These messages were downloaded into our minds at a very young age. And these beliefs, good, bad or ugly were passed down to us from our parents and primary care givers.

How to overcome limiting beliefs

 These were their beliefs, behaviors, saying, ideas, habits and rituals that we were probably passed down Believe In Youto them. They are things we hear, see and experience repeatedly. As babies and young children our minds are like a sponge absorbing everything and it becomes ingrained in your mind.

And these beliefs end up running your life.  It’s very important to understand they are someone else’s beliefs transferred to you. And if these beliefs are not serving you well and affecting your life in a negative way you need to change them.

So unless you can see this as reality, having a life of abundance will be impossible to achieve.

The possibilities are endless

You’re either going to have the belief that your life has limitless potential, or that life is short, goodness is scarce and there is always going to be lack in your life.

Abundance is definitely a mindset, and this mindset can affect your life in every way. If you don’t believe it’s possible you’ll be right! Why is it that some people are so successful, it seems they just can’t go wrong no matter what they do.

Build confidence in yourself

It’s because they are in the right frame of mind! They expect to do well they are not constantly doubting themselves or letting fear get the better of them.

Also abundance isn’t just about money. People can feel abundant without a lot of money. It depends on what’s most important to you, what makes you feel good and happy. You can’t help but live abundantly when you master seeing life from this perspective.

Here are some great ways to live and lead an abundant life every day.

Learn how to give

Giving to othersWhen you’re practicing an abundance mentality, it’s impossible not to enjoy giving to others.  When you see life growing with positivity and endless opportunities, you’d probably love to give some of it away to others.

When you see the world in a positive light others will see it through you.  It’s something that expands so that many others also benefit.  So you feel abundant through helping them or empowering them to see life the way you do.

Learning how to give to others and loving the act of doing so it’s inevitable that you’ll experience living an abundant life.

Love yourself and accept yourself

It’s important to really know yourself and that starts by going inward to discover who you really are. If you’ve never done this before you may think it sounds dumb or even scary. But the truth is if you want change in your life you have to discover who you are and what you really want.

To live an abundant life it’s necessary that you fully love and accept yourself. When you do recognize your own worth and acknowledge that you are deserving, you’ll begin to attract more of what you desire.

Avoid negative people

It’s really beneficial to spend time with like minded people. Those on the same path as you, people who are positive and open to change. When they have the same views you hold about life you can help by encouraging and supporting each other.

People with an abundant mindset are happier, more relaxed, and at ease. It makes them confident about the way they live life each day. Negative people on the other hand do not operate the same way.

So unless they are willing to explore other possibilities and are open to embracing a better mindset limit your time with them.

Make your own decisions

Not everyone will support you in making changes in your life. So if others are trying to sabotage your Man makes decisionefforts or they are always complaining that they have no money or are broke, avoid them. They’re just trying to pull you in so that you’ll feel the way they do, that there is no money.

Don’t let others influence you’re decisions or you’ll never get what you really want. No one else can do this for you. They’ll always be left wanting and using the I don’t have money or scarcity tactics trying to keep you at their level.

Staying focused on your goals

Don’t let others become you’re stumbling block that prevents you from achieving your goals. They have the same opportunities of change in their life as you. So if they want it they’ll also have to be willing to do what it takes. If they don’t that’s too bad on them. Just don’t let them stop you.

This may sound harsh, and maybe at odds with being a giving person but let your emotional feedback guide you.  When you give help to that person do you feel good about it? Or does it result in feeling of resentment which ends up bringing you down?

Read Inspiring and motivational stories

If you want to create abundance, learn how from others by reading their stories of success.  They are usually very inspiring and motivating and will encourage you to believe in yourself.

You’ll begin to see that you’re far more capable of achieving your own greatness than you ever imagined. Once you realize you can do it too, you will!

When you follow in the steps of someone who has been where you are and now living with abundance you’ll achieve more. You’ll be motivated to achieve the same level of success and you’ll get there faster and easier.

Having the help and guidance of a mentor will encourage you to live an abundant life.  You’ll understand that help is always available for you when it’s needed.

Appreciate your life now

Be gratefulDon’t discount your life as it is now, whatever else you think remember you have way more experience than you once did. Change usually happens with taking  small steps one at a time which build momentum.

Even as you’re working to achieve an abundant life it’s very important to practice gratitude every day.  Remember even when things aren’t going so great you can always find something to be grateful for.

Gratitude turns what we have into more to be thankful for. It attracts more good into our life giving us even more to be grateful for. It also opens us up to the abundance of life. You complete the circle of abundance through the act of receiving and giving it back.

Eventually when you’re finally where you want to be and you are living with abundance try to pay it forward. And you do this by teaching and guiding others as well.

Add value to others

There’s no better proof of living an abundant life than when people help each other out.  When you help build others up, and simply add value to their lives you can’t help but benefit too.

Just remember to align your beliefs and affirm to yourself that you are worthy of abundance.  Become open to receiving the natural abundance that life offers and is ready to give you. The universe is always simply waiting on us to be ready and open to receive it’s goodness.

Live in Abundance!



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